Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hell Freezing Over?

First, the JournalSentinel recommends ending the ethanol mandate. While the JS doesn't slam ethanol as much as it deserves to be slammed, it makes this closing statement:

The government is right to set goals for renewable sources of energy and alternative biofuels, but it should not determine which technology wins. The best one should.

(Fainting) (Thud)

Wha . . . ? Wow. You know what that's called?

The free market.

Well, if that wasn't enough, Jim Doyle used his veto powers to re-craft the budget bill that, get this, cuts spending and holds the line on taxes!

(Fainting) (Thud)

Wha . . . ? Ow . .

Oh. Sorry. To be brutally honest about it, Jimbo did a MUCH better job than the republicans did with the budget! Sure, one could nit pick. But the truth of it is . . . Doyle did a great job with what he had to work with. The JS article is here.

Might Doyle belooking over his shoulder a bit at Walker?

Boots and Sabers posted a quote by Jim Sensenbrenner from the GOP State Convention:

“Unfortunately, Speaker Huebsch decided to push it [the budget repair bill] through the Assembly. And he did so in a manner which does not fix the problems of overtaxing, and replaces transportation fees with more state borrowing - exactly the same move which helped destroy the Republican brand. Everyone can see this is a political shell game that simply postpones the hard decisions.

Sometimes, leadership consists of saying “NO” to bad policies, rather than going along to get along.”

He's absolutely right. Thanks to Doyle, we have a budget that cuts more spending the the assembly version did, and holds the line on taxes. Good job Ji . . .

(Thud) (Birds chirping!)

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