Thursday, April 03, 2008

Good. I can stop going to the bathroom!

No benefit in drinking eight glasses of water a day, scientists say.

How often have we all heard this? A lot? Since forever? Well, according to scientists not only isn't there any real evidence that drinking 8 glasses of water is beneficial, they're not sure where the belief started. The article here.

Certainly we need to replace water we've lost through sweat and dehydration. But the article points out that we can get that water even in the foods we eat. It doesn't have to be with pure water alone.

What's interesting, of course, is that here's another scientific issue that most of us probably felt, up to now, was entirely true. While I'm not trying to point in any specific direction, it goes to show just how much yet we need to learn. Be it the human body, psychology, nutrition, . . . the environment . . .

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