Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Fairest of the Fair

I made this first observation about the Fair a few years back. Which is, how is it there are cute young girls in the animal buildings doing all of the cleaning and such? I don't mean to stereotype, but these girls would look more at home modeling in some catalog than scooping poop at the State Fair.

Second, the days of the bare-midriff and low-cut jeans seem to be finally at an end. The only hold outs are the older women who still think they can wear the style even though they never could . . . or should have . . . and still can't. This is good. First, no matter who the girl, I'm not interested in looking at her butt crack. Or at her thong. Second, the low-cut jeans were also a mistake for a lot of women to wear. More than that, though, they were awfully low, at times. A little cleavage is one thing. That kind of exposure I don't need my daughter to wear. I'm happy it's ran its course.

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