Thursday, February 15, 2007

Rights for children

This is a controversial subject. Partially because it deals with the Pro Choice and Right to Life issues which are highly political issues. Which itself is somewhat of a shame. But, the other reason it's a messy subject is the whole "how far do you go" question with regard to protecting children. After all, up until a certain age (like 40) children really don't know any better about most things. So to grant them "legal rights" makes the assumption they know the difference between one component of an issue and another. This becomes silly when we talk about toddlers and babies . . . and even more ridiculous when we're talking about a fetus. But it does raise the question, what rights do they have?

I bring this up in light of several articles I read. Sorry, I don't have links or specifics. Doesn't matter. In one article the local DA is bring up double homicide charges to a man who killed his wife . . . and her three month old fetus. Obviously this raises debate over the issue of "what's life" and how much should it be allowed with regard to rights. Abortions are commonly performed at three months. On the one hand, from the pro life stand point, abortion is no different than what this man did. The difference is that the mother who was killed wanted her baby and those who abort do not. In both cases, the life of the fetus is ended. In different manners, but ended nonetheless. Does that fetus have any rights? Was it's life taken against it's will? Keep in mind, we're beyond the zygote stage. While the fetus is only inches long at this point, it resembles in every way a human baby with working organs and the ability to feel pain. It's viable life, no question. But should it be protected under the scope of law? Is it OK for the mother to decide to terminate the life of the fetus (and subsequent doctor) and no one else? Obviously, the question of when life begins is at the core of the issue here.

Two other articles I read. One was about a mother who in a deranged fit (apparently bipolar) decided to kill her two children. One was 8 the other 3. She stabbed them in the neck several times with a large knife. This was a brutal killing. What those children went through while dying . . . choking on their own blood, the pain, the horror . . . I can't imagine. But this reminds me of Adnrea Yates who drowned all her children (again bipolar) and now may spend time in a health facility instead of a jail because of the trial lawyers and their ability to convince a jury Andrea doesn't belong in jail. Will the mother who stabbed her children see jail?

The other article reported that a man, mad at his two year old for crying, hit her knocking her unconscious. He then took her to a nearby playground to hide her as he thought he killed her. They found her dead some time later. What's more, they also found little foot prints in the snow indicating that she regained consciousness, walked around lost, then died of the freezing temperatures. Again, I can't imagine the hopeless feeling this little girl had before she died.

The last article I read dealt with a sentance that was handed down to a babysitter who had killed a baby from shaking her. She received 10 years in prison. I'm not sure how much one has to shake a baby to kill it . . . and I'm sure the intent wasn't to kill the baby . . . but this seemed an appropriate sentance. Again, I'm sure there was no intent, but it was certainly reckless.

All of this makes me wonder . . . what protection do babies, toddlers, and children have? Really, none. We put a lot of faith in adults to watch over and protect the interest of little kids and babies. Is a fetus that much a different story? I'll admit, I'm against abortion as a means of birth control. As intelligent, moral adults, we know there are other ways to prevent pregnancy. Between the cavalier attitude we seem to have over parenting and pregnancy, and the lack of regard for life we have on the life of a baby and children, I'm all for more severe penalties for crimes against children. Children and babies are the absolute definition of innocent and want nothing more than their very basic needs. What's more, in spite of who ever it is that mothers or fathers a child, there's an automatic unconditional love for the parents. They simply don't know any better. They are completely dependant on us for care and nurturing. Is it too much to ask to allow them a chance at life?

I think not.


Ann said...

I pretty much agree with your points here. Reading about those horrors against children can send me way down. I remember when that woman drowned her children and I cried off and on for weeks over that one. Just because someone doesn't want their kids, doesn't mean there isn't a line of folks who would give all to have these little ones and raise them as their own.
Makes you really want to hug your kids, which is not a bad idea.

Jimi5150 said...

When I read about the foot prints in the snow of the little two year old, I cried. Such lack of regard, concern, or emotion over that which needs us most but requires so little.

I hug Jamie ALL THE TIME!